

Pull Out Test
Geointec has carried out two geotechnical studies for a solar photovoltaic farm in the province of Imbabura, Ecuador, with a total area of 400 hectares.
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Geointec has carried out soil studies in five photovoltaic solar plants. The set of projects, that will be built in the provinces of Seville and Córdoba in Spain, will have a power of 250 MW.
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The Ramming & Pull Out Test for the calculation of foundations was carried out by destructive test load (failure), in Calama Chile.
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We started the year taking stock of the projects carried out, and we emphasize that only in the Iberian Peninsula Geointec has carried out more than twenty geotechnical studies for renewable energy projects, which affirms the increase in the production of green energy in the country.
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The retrospective study or "Back Analysis" is an effective method that allows to analyze the resistance of the land and to obtain, using the results from the load tests or "Pull Out Tests”, certain geotechnical parameters of the selected area for the construction.
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