

REA Accreditation

It supposes the form to accredit the fulfillment of the requirements of quality and solvency that imposes the Law 32/2006, of 18 of October, regulator of the Subcontracting in the Sector of the Construction and his Regulation of development, approved by Royal Decree 1109/2007 , of August 24. Compliance with the solvency and quality requirements required by article 4, sections 1 and 2a) of the Subcontracting Law in the Construction Sector (LSC) is accredited, that is:

  • Have adequate infrastructure and means to carry out the activity, and directly exercise the direction of the work, assuming the risks, obligations and responsibilities inherent to the business activity.
  • Prove that its personnel have the necessary training in the area of ​​occupational risk prevention.
  • Prove that they have an adequate preventive organization.

GTC Geotechnical tests: Sampling and in situ tests.

GEOINTEC – GEOTECNIA E INGENIERÍA DEL TERERRENO has the responsible declaration as Testing Laboratory for the Quality Control of the Building (GTC Area) for the execution of insitu soundings and tests.

GTL accreditation: Laboratory tests

We work exclusively with duly accredited laboratories in the GTL area or in accordance with the legislation of the country from which the geotechnical study is requested.