
Environmental Surveys

The surveys for the detection of contaminated soils must be carried out using protocols different specific action to geotechnical surveys, since on the one hand the witnesses must be removed so that its chemical composition remains unchanged, and the other perforated field can not It is altered by the drilling itself. Therefore, for the implementation of environmental surveys the following generic specifications are followed, to which one must add the specific technical requirements for each project:

  • Dry drilling with continuous recovery samples. Removal of the battery samples is performed manually by hammering the battery. The use of water will only be allowed taking into account the technical indications for cases where dry drilling is not feasible.
  • Witnesses, handled by clean gloves to avoid contamination, are stored in plastic boxes for preservation, properly labeled.
  • Appropriate measures of cleaning the battery after each operation and exchange of research point to prevent contamination in the survey both agents are taken from the field. For this purpose, properly cleaned using a rock drilling pressure washer using Alconox and Liquinox soaps.
  • No grease replaced by aluminum and Vaseline for lubrication of the threads of the pipes of the drill string is used spray.
  • The work area will be cleaned once the survey is completed and if necessary at the end of the workday.
  • Prior to the start of each survey, there will be the delimitation of the perimeter security fence area and survey work.
  • GEOINTEC machinery has reduced dimensions to work under the canopies of service stations in industrial areas and small spaces. In these links will be able to download the technical characteristics of our machines surveys: Fraste MULTIDRILL PL and TP-30 LR.

Sondeos-Gasolinera-12-1024x268Campaign surveys and installation of piezometers at gas stations.